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Monday, August 01, 2011

Choices that haunt

Some wishes just don't come true... like wishing you did not have certain people in your life, certain relationships you dint forge , certain pain one dint have to go through.

Agreed , life is full of experiences ...or like someone says pain is meant to make us strong...nature's law of over compensation.Why cant life be just party and no pain?

Life is great at other times.Just when I am left just to my thoughts that all those shoven thoughts crawl out from the crevices.Oh , and those people I wish I dint let go. Sometimes life makes me sanely insane ...and other times I do it effortlessly *****sigh******

Well, as it is always...I ve made my choices and I live with them.Looks like decision-making with urim thummim stones would have been safer.

Terribly missing that special someone...


nullity said...

I have read this post the day you published.... And felt OMG!!! (It happens in my life too!!!)..did not comment because I thought the post seems personal and really do not know what to comment..Looks like today I have found some words to post a it is...for me, this feeling is something that is stuck in my throat, neither going in nor coming out...I would have never penned it the way you have done...thanks for that..whenever my mind dips into the thinking of those wishes that did not come true and the people whom I could not retain in life..I feel like the life & self lost in a web...slowly I have started thinking that what I am doing is living a dual life...trying to make efforts to make it one single life...its not easy, but much needed...

Risha said...

I am really glad that I am not alone here... on these lines.Looks like our lives are so much alike as they are different!!
Thank yyou for dropping by :)