Tuesday, December 14, 2004
An ode to a friend...
It just dint happen in a day,I rather put it that way.First,it woz just a few words,then,smiles that broke the guards.Remember,those times when our roads crossed,and then,we pretended too engrossed,To shine a smile in visible tone,just one of the thousands,heart-born.Then, a stuttered hi and a staggering hello,the wall between us thawed to mellow.Now,times have changed and not many flutterbies,I talk out my heart,my laughters and cries.Strangely my friend,cocoons break every then and now,And words fumble to leave the bow.Many a smile I give to the virtual you,Many a thought across the distance through.In the ruffled silences between the chords,In the hurried glances between the words,I feel a strange beauty filling the ether,the kinda one flowing from trusting one-another.Friend,I say not ,"What would I do without you?";Rather, "My smiles would count to less,if not for you".
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Flagging off another year...
Ppl,itz a new dawn for me...filled with new dreams,new hopes,new hues...yup..you gottit...years back,this day, I landed on earth!!The flag-off woz a good one...I'm talking about the calls that came to greet me...some as surprises,some as affirmations,.....and the loving people at the other end of the call.Lotsa happiness can make a person cry..believe me...I did!For all the love and warmth that surrounds me...I bow low and silently weep.What ve I done to deserve such a life?I find no answer...but then,the funda is what do I do with such a life.From hereon I ll paint my life that everyone who knows me, is happy to know me.....in my strokes I may err...but I still shall paint:)My folks,Thanks for making my life beautiful!Thank you God,consider yourself hugged !
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Resumed reading...
The spirit of the universe conspires to make the deepest desire of the heart to come true.My today trailed by the words of Paulo Coelho I got to lay my hands on 'Illusions-The Adventures of the reluctant messiah' by Richard Bach.After 'J.S'(thought I ll get a lil lazy about putting down 'Jonathan Seagull'),this book gives me another reason to go for Bach's.Guess next I ll go for 'The Bridge across forever'."Leave me on an island without food and water and I ll live.Leave me in a room without books and I shall perish."Hey,I wanted to say this!!!!Books open worlds to me...where I can swim in the waters of my imagination...to get into the mind of another...to perceive and understand at an elevated plane....to go beyond the visible and tangible...The adventurer in me.....thats the best part of me...the one I like the most in me.Now ....heading on a venture....c ya!!!
Friday, December 03, 2004
Itz my life!!!
Off-late I ve been doing lotsa thinking.Conforming to common standards has never been me.Somehow, I just dont blend with the crowd...well there are ppl that I meet at my frequency,but some how I end up being the odd one...some times lonely.Growing up is something I ve to do alone....and so it shall be!Guess I'm growing up!!!!Now contemplating on the fairer side of life....I ve recently got bitten by the quiz bug and that keeps my enthu high.Swimming in nostalgia ...good old days....sitter...enthu..piece-of-cake stuff.......does nt make sense..huh??Does nt matter folks....Just know : Once I woz enthusiasm personified:)Speaking of my strange ways....mine are butter-fingers.Guess lotsa ppl out there must be laughing their hearts out...seeing me fumbling for my TT ball.Gotto work on a firmer hold and better reflex.I really am getting the hang of the game!!!!!I owe it all to my coaches.I see so much of myself in them...just that it does not work the other way ;)My long-awaited spring .....itz looming close: )How unfair I perceive life....I still have a reaon to be thankful:)Gotto be thankful for that!!!Wish I could do something out-of-the-box...something really jumpy and adventourous....Suggestions invited:)
Thursday, December 02, 2004
To stop and to listen...
Ppl,I woz at this point of time, when I woz asking myself ,how happy I'm ,about doing all the talking myself.Also thinking about the season of fall in my orchard of friends...I felt lost in wilderness.Thanx a lot anonymous!!First,for your comment and then,for the thoughtfulness brimming in your words.I asked for a stroke of the brush and you ve given me a painting.These days I smile and play and talk ...but every emotion is streaked with the pining for my dear ones.I feel like a princess plundered off her kingdom....looking yearningly at happiness thru the eyes of the commoner.Of course...itz just a matter of distance...I still have my frenz!!But the distance still makes such a big difference !Looking forward to making my smiles smiles again !!!
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
My medley...
Ppl,Today I'm in a medley of emotions.First I'm sad coz itz like I'm having a repulsive effect on all my good friends :(Almost all of them are moving to different places!Then,I ve a smile on my face 'cos now I feel the intense impact they have on me.....how muchthey ve given of themselves....Pinne,starting this day glancing thru my blog, I feel happy....I ve had so many happy times..so many good times to cherish.Recollecting an incident can create,quite the same impact as the incident itself..naa?So reliving my special moments...Looking forward to making a good beginning today...the start of the month.Heading to work...Chao!!!Btw,Dear Anonymous,a comment or two would be of help : - )wat ya say??Missing on wat you gotto say....
Monday, November 29, 2004
On time...
Ppl,the unpredictability of life just gave a hard blow on my face.In the weekend that just passed by....I made some fond memories,fulfilling some long-awaited wishes,doing some close to heart stuff.Thankfully,I did what I had to do!!!Today,nothingz just the same.My life is........so much like a gushing torrent!!I never knew the importance of living in the present until my river made this swirl.Two lessons learnt from the weekend happening:1. Never make a decision when you ve given your brains away2. And dont use your brain when your heart's got something to sayI can but try ...to live in the present,for, my past is gone I dont have it,my future hasn't arrived and brooding over these,my present ,I merely forget :(From hereon,my efforts I ll make them steadfast that when I look back at my life,I dont regret the things I ve or haven't done.k,ppl,guess this is going a little too ...well...hmmm..forget it!!!Life calls....catch you later.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
yipppeeee!!Ppl,you know, today, I ve something really kool to blog!!!!!First ,for the first time in my life I got to wear a helmet!!Now dont take me for crazy!!!It woz a really funny feeling that made me sooooo happy:)I felt like a tiny little puppy taken for a walk in a big city,for the first time.It woz a medley of emotions...initially, I felt like a stupid ,but then the world looked so different with a helmet on,...so new,so beautiful in a strange sense!!!!The new perspective presented the scene with mysterious beauty .Now,coming to the really ultimate happening ...we won a set of TT against gooood players!!!Our's woz a mixed doubles match and both of us novice... may be it woz just a set...But it made a big difference to us.We started out feeling as under-dogs and then,... we realised then at the end of the match..we realized we were not that baad.Winning a set made us happy..but the other element that made me happier woz that something that has much to do with hope.Hope, sure, is a beautiful word....subtle yet sooo strong!!!Hope is God.....now I know!!Wat ya say???
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Sleepy me...
yestereve,we were at the most happening place in town...had lotsa fun.Gotto meet the Mr.Right of Fussy-lil'-Miss.They make a kool pair :)Tomoro a new week starts and for me weekend is no different from a week-day.ppl,me very tired and exhausted...my thoughts getting fuzzy.....so me gonna catch up with the backlogs at sleep.These days am really getting the hang of my job...and that keeps me busy.Guess I ll say good night here!!!Remember we sleep under the same roof...haan?Good night follks!!!
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Peace returns..
Ppl,after all the stress that had been thru for the couple of days,peace gently breezes in:)Someway,at the end of every tunnel I see light and I'm humbly thankful for that.Communication is such a vital part of any relationship..thankfully my little too analytical friend struck the right chord at the right time!!!A person likely to turn me into a cannibal...Yesterday woz markedly a day to celebrate life and I exactly did that...by myself ,under the moon,flirting stars,my favourite junk food and soft-drink....smiling ,thinking ...Boy,this is life...to cry all my tears and laugh all my laughters....to experience the beauty of the most subtle tender feelings,the gushing emotions...Today turned out to an equally sensible day,with a sense of purpose and feeling good about myself.The more ppl in my day....the more complete my day becomes...the richer I feel..
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
strange ways..
ppl,I'm really startled by the strange ways in which realtionships work!!!The past couple of days I ve been experiencing throbbing pain....as an outcome of too much love and too much tenderness.Sometimes I'm happy that therez someone who cares about me so much,but sometimes I'm sad that the care is of such intensity that it hurts the relationship."To care for someone is easy.To make someone care for you is difficult.But I really wonder how you make caring for you so easy for me!!"This SMS made so much sense to me.I think I'm making caring for me,a Herculian task!!!Whatever happens,my only wish is that I bring happiness to all ppl who know me.Or otherwise atleast not to be a thorn in their hearts....It hurts to hurt someone you love.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Sweet slumber
hmm..uhmm...ppl,me really sleepy today.Feel like I'm sleep walking around the whole day.Just had a few things to blog:->Went out of town from home.->Paid some formal visits->Met my Best Buddy->Went for a movie(VERY IMPORTANT:'Coz itz my dream come true)!->Had moon-lit dinnerppl,but why "->"?!!!!now I know,....my training is going way over my head...or...may be I'm living my training!!!ppl,my thinking is going volatile..Tomoro I gotto think of stuff to add to my dreamz list.As of now,planning to hit the sack soon.catch you later.Good night!!!
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Sweet Home : )
Me back at home!!!!This place sure is my den!!!Here, I celebrate my catch or lick my wounds.....But at the end of the day...I'm happy at home.Back home I would nt call things warm and sunny...coz itzzz all pouring and fever has blanketed the festivity :(Today my experiments with cooking worked!!!I woz kinda responsible too...well,at home,thatz the last thing I 'm!!!My pop iz a sweeeet person and I love him soooo much.But on the contrary my means of communication is arguments.Arguments all the time!!!Thankz to our bad memories....we get easened off quick :)Yet another thought props up:"Distance makes the heart grow fonder".Sooo true!!Ppl,of all the things I have in my life....my peope I hold closest to my heart..Today I have a sense of accomplishment....it was trivial but made more sense to me!!Getting to meet a sweet friend and her hubby after a real long time made my yesterday happy.Me!!I forgot the word of wisdom that came from that meeek gal!!!Guess I ll keep that as a guideline for my life.Everyone needs a friend!!!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Yet another H A P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Y day!!!!
Ppl,the day started on a very low note with me missing home.But then,a magician came into the picture and with the swish of his wand(I shall call it that way!) I had a smile on my face!!!Geeee I'm still smiling...the magic stays!!!Today is one of those happy happy days when something that you least expect to happen happens!!!This sure is my day!!!!Someone painted it perfect for me!!!I really wonder how all these happens !How on earth does everyone of these people know that I need them in my life??!!!These happy things happening...they make me kinda humble and so thankful.If only I see God in tangible form,then I would give Him a BIG BEAR hug!!Thatz how much thankful I am!!Wishing and praying that you have as much happiness as ur hearts can hold!!You know, Godz my buddy and I ve an edge over you !!!Boy,I'm getting trumpetty!!!Keep smiling :)
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Mess up!!!
Ppl,woz nt I talking about excitement the day would hold for me?Well,there woz a tinge of excitement that lined my day, but then I dint soar high...instead I messed it all up:(The day woz an ok one though.The festive season is fast approaching and thatz one reason for me to stay high.Me missing my near and dear ones :(ppl,I'm starting to miss home.Eagerly looking forward to heading to my den...Therez no place like home ...isn't it?I like it when ppl can keep up the spirit of festive season.I'm just trying to do that.Fireworks about to begin...Guess I ll wind up here and join the crowd..Have an explosive festive season!!!(Boy,thatz sounding morbid!!!)C ya tomoro..kto?
Monday, November 08, 2004
One normal day!!
ppl, today woz one normal day...nothing very happening.Me really bogged down by the normalcy of the day.Guess I ll wind up here.But then,you knoe one thing??Well you know many things!!!Tomoro is most likely to hold lotsa excitement for me!!!Donno if I'm gonna soar high or screw up ?!!Gotto wait n see.When the day is done,I ll let you know.Guess I ll have butterflies in my tummy.Anyways,I dont see birds around,atleast for now!May be the rains are keeping them in their nests.How about you ; pyou c birds...hmmm?
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Caught in a whirlpool
Today,I woz caught in awhirlpool of emotions :The day started warm and sunny and I woz in a lazing ,mood.With music and a book, "One Minute Manager" ,I cuddled around until midday.Then started the grind!!!First,it woz a tiff with my very best friend ...and I felt very low.Then,at the end of the day,I got my smiles back : )After the muddle,the waters got clearer infact!!Then again,I had some unexpected visitors...not that I dint want them.Just thatthey turned in at the wrong time.Finally,the day ended with a happy note....ofcourse,it woz a good night call from my best friend!Laughters after tears are sweeter!!!Dont you think so??
Friday, November 05, 2004
H a p p p p p p....p p p y!
"Are you my dream realized?
Or,my fantasy come true?
You show me dew-drops and I see diamonds;
You smile and I see heaven...."
Someway,today reminded me of these lines that I came across sometime back.
This day caught me happy and smiling!!
The lasting moments (I ve so many of them!!) in life are the simple ones, which are filled with the tender pleasures in life......and today I had one such sweet memory made!
If jumping is measure of being happy....then the world would be all pits!!!
I'm sooooooo happy :)
I am thankful for the umpteen blessings I ve been showered with.
Today,I'm humbled by yet another.... the manifestation of a beautiful friendship
and an of the box adventure!
Ppl,I'm getting a little too sentient :)
" Who are the happiest people..
An artist whistling at work.
A child building sand castle.
A mother bathing her baby.
And me for having a friend like you"
Somebody said this before I could ;)
I see some serene beauty in these lines and the beauty of these lines
again remind me of a beautiful movie "Life is beautiful".
ppl,guess I'm starting to babble...too happy to think I guess :)
So,smiling-off!!!(Oops I meant signing off!!)
Stay smiling :)
Or,my fantasy come true?
You show me dew-drops and I see diamonds;
You smile and I see heaven...."
Someway,today reminded me of these lines that I came across sometime back.
This day caught me happy and smiling!!
The lasting moments (I ve so many of them!!) in life are the simple ones, which are filled with the tender pleasures in life......and today I had one such sweet memory made!
If jumping is measure of being happy....then the world would be all pits!!!
I'm sooooooo happy :)
I am thankful for the umpteen blessings I ve been showered with.
Today,I'm humbled by yet another.... the manifestation of a beautiful friendship
and an of the box adventure!
Ppl,I'm getting a little too sentient :)
" Who are the happiest people..
An artist whistling at work.
A child building sand castle.
A mother bathing her baby.
And me for having a friend like you"
Somebody said this before I could ;)
I see some serene beauty in these lines and the beauty of these lines
again remind me of a beautiful movie "Life is beautiful".
ppl,guess I'm starting to babble...too happy to think I guess :)
So,smiling-off!!!(Oops I meant signing off!!)
Stay smiling :)
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Ppl I'm losing my enthu 4 my blog these days.It has become more of a ritual.Not that I've lost my passion ...but just that I'm preoccupied with too many thoughts...delving into thinking too much has over-powered my writing.Something important happened the prev. Sunday....strange...it did not have as much impact as it should.The closer I get to the other side of the river,I start to realize may be the grass is not that greener :) Wish I dont have to cross the river anyway.Speaking of anger,I really wish I knew how to make the most of the emotion.It sure is an art!I had always wanted to say the right things at the right time, in an assertive way and to get the message across.In some situations I'm strangled between two choices....to hurt or to get hurt....and somehow I'm not comfortable with the first and so I settle for the second ,just to find myself all the more uncomfortable :(Is there any place mid-way??
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
A new world
Today I ventured into a new terrain of books...not that I'm new to libraries .But the ambience of this woz totally awe ( not awe!!!...I'm not getting the right word!) ....... inspiring.I got a little assertive today!That is one way get to be.There is this persistent element of self-doubt that haunts in me.Trying my best to ghost-bust.Speaking of self-help books,they put across things in a real simple way.When it comes to helping oneself,I am helpless!!!Guess I ll keep them off.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Yet another time...
Hmm yet another time I end up staying back long at office...though not for very long.Guess this place has become my comfort zone.Today I venture out to break out of my comfort zone.The conflict between my will and pleasure has come to a compromise.I'm starting at a not too early time.And to do that I gotto leave now!!!And I'm doing just that!!!See ya 2moro!!!
Monday, October 25, 2004
Missed a birthday...AGAIN!!!???
I really wish I woz not this forgetful : (I missed out on the birthday of a good friend of mine.Today woz inspired by the thought "Less effort more Comfort".And infact ,the day turned out to be a very relaxed one!!And "INTEGRITY" woz very intriguing today....both thinking of it and keeping it.Sometimes, I really wish I were somewhere close to where or whom I want to be :(It hurts to be else way: (This thought keeps me busy all day.Think thatz for today.Chao!!
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Remembering Gibran ....
Truly a prophet...Gibran!Tonight I leave home and the pain I feel almost close to getting derooted.And strange,this happens every time : (Hmm yet another time I found myself in remorse.And ofcourse,there were my folks who had to put up with my tantrums...and my friends.Laziness has always been an integral part of me...today I woz too lazy to meet my best friend and I gave my usual excuse to me.."Therez always a next time!".But I really really wish I cud have met her :(Coming back to Gibran,well, in his "Prophet",he talks about leaving the land of his dreams and nightmares...and his feelings about the parting....close to wat I felt having to part home.Guess my words cant make as much sense and impact.But my thoughts are mine : )
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
What about "The Present"?
"The Present" is what I have in my hand for the day.Spencer Johnson gives it straight and simple,and the book,a good one to read ...and to live.The day started with an unfair amount of laziness but,I managed to take control of it.But at the dark crevices of my mind, voices scream about the sweetness of slumber : (Wish I could do more and more of sleeping(To make up for the sleep deprivation I suffer lately)."A smile is better than a laughter",says my friend.And what an eye-opener it woz to me!!!Really, all the really good things in my life have made me smile....not laugh?!!Did I tell you,I laughed yesternight....infact, a lot?!Thatz a really good news....for me atleast ; )So,while I smile about my laughter...you stay smiling or laughing....to put it simple......"Be Happy!!!" : )
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
let me think...
How was the day? Today was kinda normal....and I didnt get to do much, of course waking until midnight yesternight had it own toll. I ended up fighting hard to keep my sleep away...these days I get to be on the phone so much...well, that should be sooo very much...Its almost like I am obsessed about the thing. Sometime I feel I would forget the art of speaking to the person in floosh and blood. And, to my effort to laugh out there is this person, who is trying for me in fact harder than me. Wish it works out atleast for his sake...let me call this person, friend! I think I am a little too distracted to be blogging some sensible stuff. Now, I hear an ambulance! and that gives me afraid! Guess it should be the same with everyone.
Monday, October 18, 2004
I woz laughing aloud!!!!
Now ppl,did you know how hard it is for me to laugh aloud??If you did,then u would not think of me as silly!!!The best thing I can do is give a wide grin.But today I surprised myself : )I really wish I woz not so complex a thinker to miss out on the silly jokes and simple ,kocchu kocchu laughters in life!!!Simple thinking is certainly not my cup of tea.I need to get some flexibility and should learn to flow around with ease.Like everything can be faked.....I'm faking to be cool ,when under the water, I'm paddling hard!!Ppl,does everyone get to do the same thing as me or are they really so cooool??!!
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Itz sunday and I'm working!!!!
After the yapping that well went into mid night,I went into a deep slumber.After, rise and shine ,I left for play to office.Now ,do I sound weird?Well,I may, but I certainly am not!!!!Had a coaching on TT,sumptuous lunch(the yummy pradhaman!!!) from God's own country,a wee-bit of learning and the grande finale...One of my dreams fulfilled!!!This day's blog would hold a memory for me!!I missed out on a physical,tangible and my kinda souvenir : (May be my heart will hold it for me!!!Looking forward to making more memories...
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Making up for the lost days
Today I woz swimming in nostalgia and I had company!!!Yup!!!I saw my friend (Best Friend) after a reaaaal loooooong time!With the very special ppl in our life ,time just would not make any difference.I just felt the same old feeling and ended up yapping and yapping and yapping.....as usual.Made up for the days I missed out with her...not all of it.... time woz just not enough : (A little of shopping ,a send-off, meeting frenz woz all on the list.A happy day and thatz all I have to say!!!!Hmm....btw,do I sound poetic ?!!
Friday, October 15, 2004
Making a difference...
The day started way too early for me.The final touches to my plan execution had to be given and so,I woz on the move for quite some time.Small things make a difference...but making a difference is not a small thing!!Oh me !!! I'm getting verbose!!Ppl,itz easy to be on the receiving side..But taking efforts to give can be such fun itself!!!Today ,it woz one such experience for me.But I could have done it better!That leaves me wondering if I really accomplished my goal #: - Seeing the happy face would have been nicer I guess!Sporting is another thing I did in excess today...the first thing: thinking ofcourse!!
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Reliving childhood...
I'm really amazed!!!My days are getting better and better and better!!!My best friend has come down from elsewhere and G.Bell woz very INSTRUMENTAL in making up for the lost years!!To add up to this,me got in touch with a buddy from school...after 6 long years!!!!Today saw many a blossoms....of beautiful friendships.Guess my bouquet is getting bigger!!!Now ,this gives me an added responsiblity:I've got to take real good care of every blossom!For the happiness thay bring into my life....I would n't mind going to the end of the world!!!Do you know...I'm smiling almost the entire day!Well,thats means there are so many around to make me smile!!!Now,the same old story...Good ppl with Good intentions...Will do Gab!They know it !!!While I smile ,you stay smiling too!!!Happy smiling : )
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Thinking hard
Today is the kinda day that would make me go blank.Nothing really happened!!!I can hardly think of anything to put down in my blog!!Now,the one reason that makes me blog is that I ve got time to kill ;)I m really enthusiastic about the little something that I'm upto.Guess I ll keep it to myself!Today, I read the blog of i_whisper on live journal and I really liked it!!Having nothing to do is really inspiring me to cook up something whacky!!This is one thought:The file with a stick is a stick file and the stick holding the file is a file stick!!!Now,I know whatz running in ur mind....you are thinking ,"what in the world has happened to Gab?".Well,in this free world,dont I ve the freedom to just let go ??(I let go a little tooo often haan?)Ppl,I'm totally drained out(waiting for my snax?) ...guess I ll wind up here!C ya!!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Calm after storm?!
Hmm after a very stormy yesterday,today turns out to be a calm one : )" Perplexity is the beginning of wisdom".Guess itz working out with me.A dream doesn't have to be a place you have to get to..it may simply mean how you want your journey to be!!!Now, how does this sound?Well,this spark of enlightenment kindled by the little too analytical friend of mine!!!I ve just got to organize my top desk and then I would have things falling back into their places.And just one more thing ...to get something right just intention wont do...you need interest.Ppl,if you have dreamz ,I would be happy if you share it with me.Then I would know what a dream can mean to different persons.What ya say?Waiting for your dreams.....
Hmm luckier!!!!
Woz n't I talking about so many good ppl with good intentions and how luckier I'm getting?Well,today,I got a wee bit more luckier : ) : )Acts of goodness make me happy...but sometimes just good intentions get me bowled over.Well,yet another time I m reminded of my ...well...yeah......hmm...my awful bowling patch!Now,Gab,why dont you get the whole rotten thing off ur mind??!!!After all,itz gone!!!Now,ppl,that woz a bit of self-talk..dont mind haan?So,catch you on the day morrow comes!Did I say it right?C ya!!!
Monday, October 11, 2004
Find me my dream,would you?
Me not feeling very good today : (
Wish I were good at something.
I feel like screaming at the top of my voice,
"Would somebody find me my dream?".
I very badly yearn for the experience of having a dream and then,working towards it.
Everyday I walk;
Down the alley or across the park.
Everyday I walk distant miles
and stare longingly at those distant isles.
There are so many of them,so green and so much of a sight.
Silently tears roll down speaking of my plight.
I know I cannot tread my way
until my dream is always on the sway.
Everyday I walk,
down the alley or across the park.
Everyday to the distant miles, I'm bound,
My path takes me to nowhere ,just round and round...
Ppl,guess I m getting a little too.....
If only u know ways to find one's dreams,lemme know...
Wish I were good at something.
I feel like screaming at the top of my voice,
"Would somebody find me my dream?".
I very badly yearn for the experience of having a dream and then,working towards it.
Everyday I walk;
Down the alley or across the park.
Everyday I walk distant miles
and stare longingly at those distant isles.
There are so many of them,so green and so much of a sight.
Silently tears roll down speaking of my plight.
I know I cannot tread my way
until my dream is always on the sway.
Everyday I walk,
down the alley or across the park.
Everyday to the distant miles, I'm bound,
My path takes me to nowhere ,just round and round...
Ppl,guess I m getting a little too.....
If only u know ways to find one's dreams,lemme know...
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Oh me, Monday is coming !!
Unwinding ur self, and getting to do what you want to do feels soooo good....and sundays, are meant exactly for that ; )As for me,I woke up to meet Mr.Sun shining bright in the 10 o' clock sky,had my careless brunch,had the music on and dived into my book... Gibran again!This is life!!!Who could ask for anything more??!I woz reading the book lying in my bed,rolling around in every other awkward position,then in the stairs,then getting myself onto the box window, the terrace ,up the ladder ,on the over-head tank,....every other place I woz feeling comfortable.This is one reason I prefer reading REAL books to the E-ones!With the real one,I get not just the words ,but the smell of the leaves ,...the texture ,hmmm ...,and on feeling sleepy,you can just dip your face into it or cover ur face over...or may be it ll be a pillow!Books sure are my best friends ; )Now,look at me!!!I totally ran off my subject!!!!So, to do some justice to my subject:Sure, with a few ticking of the clock, Monday would be here!!!Dont you c it...Sundays fly toooo fast?But why would they have to :(
Saturday, October 09, 2004
About the bride
Aish,the bride woz looking gorgeous on screen and the groom was kinda ok.Well I'm talking about "Bride and Prejudice".For me it woz a self imposed task....to go for a movie.I'm just working on my clusterophobia.At the end of the day...I discovered something:I m just not comfortable with the theaters."The thoughts and meditations of Khalil Gibran" is my recent read....and it made me think.Well, there is this line in this book and I found it a little too intriguing."You are "I", Earth.Had it not been for my being,You would not have been."Now,what does this line say??!!!Me ..baffled .Would someone help???BTW,did you know that Aish's eyes keep changing colours over the years (Excuse me,I'm not talking about contacts!!!)?
Friday, October 08, 2004
Not knowing the future is one thing and ...
Exploring what the future holds for us is onething that has driven mankind so far.Not knowing the future is one thing and knowing is another!Today something happened and then I had this spark of thought:We always wish we knew what was going to happen or what the future holds for us.Strange enough,we also wish we had not known what we know about the future!Well ,I 've,infact, quite a number of times!!!Wat ya say?Ppl,do you see that I'm getting a little too serious these days?If not,do tell me...I ll be happy!!!Yet another thing happened today....I woz good to some body!!!Well,dont take this as bragging .ok?Just that I 'm at a point where I thought I'm turning out to be a complete jerk and suddenly the sweet gal in me springs up and says "Ta Daa!!!".Really ppl,woz nt I talking about the "Off the balance"?This woz one aspect I meant.Guess I'm getting my grip back ; )So while I work on my balance ....you have a happy weekend!!
When you ve said what you wanted to say...
ppl,have you had times when you ve said what you wanted to say and then ended up thinking why you said that in the first place?Well,that happened to me today!!!Felt kinda miserable : (
I'm just in the process of brushing off the whole episode off my mind.Thatz too many "off"!!!
You know,I feel the most hurt when I ve hurted someone.Do you feel the same?
Now,let me get away from it....after ALL we are frenz!!!
Yesternight,I had the priviledge of curling up in my bed for 11 at hrs at a stretch!!!And that made me sooooo happy : )
"Sleep , art thou sweet sister of death?"
Did I get that right??
For the past few days,I really am going off my balance,meaning, REALLY REALLY off!By off, I mean my thinking is all clouded like after ...a dont want to tell that!Thatz too many "off" again!! Gotto work on myself!
And did I tell you about the crazy sleep-talking habit I've got??I take calls when I'm sound asleep and then I'm left with just but faint memories!!Now,thatz getting me close into serious trouble : (
Thinking of starting with a non-fiction ..Wish I could find a good one to get my eyes-on!!!
So, catch up with you later ...I'm off on the hunt!!!
I'm just in the process of brushing off the whole episode off my mind.Thatz too many "off"!!!
You know,I feel the most hurt when I ve hurted someone.Do you feel the same?
Now,let me get away from it....after ALL we are frenz!!!
Yesternight,I had the priviledge of curling up in my bed for 11 at hrs at a stretch!!!And that made me sooooo happy : )
"Sleep , art thou sweet sister of death?"
Did I get that right??
For the past few days,I really am going off my balance,meaning, REALLY REALLY off!By off, I mean my thinking is all clouded like after ...a dont want to tell that!Thatz too many "off" again!! Gotto work on myself!
And did I tell you about the crazy sleep-talking habit I've got??I take calls when I'm sound asleep and then I'm left with just but faint memories!!Now,thatz getting me close into serious trouble : (
Thinking of starting with a non-fiction ..Wish I could find a good one to get my eyes-on!!!
So, catch up with you later ...I'm off on the hunt!!!
Thursday, October 07, 2004
You know ppl,today I discovered yet another reason to laud G.Bell.These days I get to be on the move most af the time, and so also I end being scooped away from my resources...wiz my own desk,chair and my own system to meddle with.Today woz one such day.To make me feel all the more like a fish out of water....I missed my cab.Well that means yet another hour without my critical resources : (Now,herez when G.Bell came to my rescue.All I had to do woz hook on to the phone...and the rest ...you know it right???Now I'm with my sweet baby!!!Looking into her,smiling and happily blogging!!!!BTW,does any one of you have an official blogger for you ???Well I do ; )All I ve to do is hand over all the crap I can ever make and just hand it overto my blogger.Then with the swish of my blogger's wand, finally, it all makes so much sense!!!Well,actually I'm positive about that!!!Ok folks ,guess I'll leave you fuming and catch up with some work.Chao!!!!
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Thank you G.Bell!!
Graham Bell,whereever you are,a thousand thanks to you!!!I really cant imagine a world without ur baby....every time it cries...sweet sound!These days I 'm kinda getting close to living on the phone....reminds me my good old school days...well they aren't that old!!!For this one reason,I would make science my religion and G.Bell my God!!!I make sense dont I??Speaking of science,the stories of scientists portray most of them at the low end of sanity test or atleast with a darker corner in them.Well the term "Sanity test"(mind you,itz got nothing to do with S/W testing),I got it from a friend of mine.As for him,he oscillates between the extremes when it comes to the same.Makes so much sense somtimes and so much non-sense at others.I should try catching him somewhere between the slices!!Coming back to life over the phone,I really wonder how so many ppl can just hang up after doing the mere data transfer.Guess they are the furthest from lateral thinking!!!And the sheer pleasure they miss out!!!I end the day's blog praying that the ignorant lot may be enlightened and may live happily ever after(Over the phone ofcourse!!)!!!
Surprize..so many of them!!
If only I could freeze the moment of surprise I had yesterday...There woz this treat which woz a sure blast of surprise.What it is I shall hold close to me or itz infact me!!!And about the person,lemme tell you,hez one brain whiz,a little too analytical,practical,sporty,sensible and ofcourse my friend and sure makes me feel go down and under."Down and Under"??Well, that reminds me of my awful bowling patch :( Hushhhhh...lemme not think about it....therez so much to celebrate!!!
I felt kinda crazy looking at the treat.Guess I'm getting a little to self-indulgent.But is that not what a blog is all about??
And yet another surprise came my way!!!
It woz a comment on my blog....infact an encouraging one!Well,it woz supposedly anonymous comment ; )
For the first day of blogging,it woz kool.Guess the person woz just trying to be good to me.Now,this substantiates my idea that the world is so full of ppl with good intentions.Guess I'm getting luckier day by day...getting to meet one so often!
There were a few other teeny weeny surprises that made my day.Guess I wud keep them off record.
Now,I think is time to wind up my blogging...coz there are too many ppl cramming in...So thats for now.Chao!!!
I felt kinda crazy looking at the treat.Guess I'm getting a little to self-indulgent.But is that not what a blog is all about??
And yet another surprise came my way!!!
It woz a comment on my blog....infact an encouraging one!Well,it woz supposedly anonymous comment ; )
For the first day of blogging,it woz kool.Guess the person woz just trying to be good to me.Now,this substantiates my idea that the world is so full of ppl with good intentions.Guess I'm getting luckier day by day...getting to meet one so often!
There were a few other teeny weeny surprises that made my day.Guess I wud keep them off record.
Now,I think is time to wind up my blogging...coz there are too many ppl cramming in...So thats for now.Chao!!!
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
So long....so good
I take a deep relaxing breathe and as my eye-lids are drawn down,my memoir unwinds....Now folks,if I sound a little up,the reason is that this is my maiden venture into blogging.U c urself in me...huh?Well,coming back to my memoir,life has been really really good to me,ofcourse it had itz own reservations!My earliest memory goes back to my kinder garden when my home woz soooo much like the one on the wooden plaque that says "Home Sweet Home".To have a humble and sweet beginning is a priviledge and u can count me as one such priviledged.And my journey thereof has been a real kool one.I 've so many things to account for "adipoli"(thatz "kool" in malayalam)......great folks back at home,frenz,enemies(do I have any..?...They sure are good...they haven't shown up for sooo long !),music,books,chocolates,ice-creamz...Do I sound prosaicly poetic or poetically prosaic?Either way,itz 'coz I ve drunk too much of my nostalgia.Hey ppl,I'm such an over-thinker that I wish I had a switch to turn-off my thinking;But now,I can hardly think of anything to impressively kick-start my blog.May be I l make blog impressive with unimpressive ideas...sounds confusing?Sure,it does.Btw,who am I trying to impress?Now,this has triggered off my thinking for sure!!!Now that I've started thinking....lemme stop blogging ; )What ya say?
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