Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Can't-think-of-one syndrome - VI

Today I rode to office in my new bike :-) I am yet to get my head gear.
Inshah allah, the roads were free and I dint bump into a single vehicle!!

But you should ask me how the day went...I had to drag it along , the hours just wont move!!Off-late,itz been issue-filled weeks,not a single day goes by without an issue.The networks go down , services die and jobs abend just when there are nt enough people to handle.With the gloomy day and torrential showers, work is the last thing that comes to my mind.

In cribbing I find solace;
Imagination set me free.

Yesterday, Mr.M reminded me of the 50 things I wanted to do in my life time.I had come up with the list when I was in my college.Guess it is time to revisit it and consider my priorities.

May be I ll share them here when I make time to type them out.

Over tea Karthik hinted on how to find one's passion , the two questions the one needs to ask oneself:
->If you know you are gonna die soon, what would you be doing?
My answer: Call up friends, eat, listen to my favourite numbers, read books, go for a long drive, lie down in my bed and day-dream, trek, play scrabble, TT, dance, walk along the beach, watch a sun-rise, snow-bowl( Actually , I was closing my eyes trying to come up with things I want to do and the very thought that I am gonna die makes my heart thump !!) and finally I ll tell myself ,"Gurl, you ve had all the fun and now its time".

->If money was nt a criteria, what is the interest you would pursue?
My answer: Start an ad agency / fashion-design unit/HR consultancy/counselling center/a creche or a kinder-garden.

Know what, I just cant get any more specific with my answers.I want to do a thousand things !!!Fickle...sometimes I think thatz what I am ...enthused by a spark and blued by a shade of dark.

Can anyone figure out what my passion is?


Loga said...

Maybe writing..u write very good :)

Risha said...

Thank you :-) That just dint cross my mind!!

yeah I know ...nice observation :p

expertdabbler said...


jim collins has one method.

1)think of something u'lll love doing without money.

2)think of another thing in which u think u r extremely talented.

3)and think how u can generate revenue combining 1 and 2

Risha said...

Well well well...the equation is getting tougher !!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Risha,

I was searching for some tamil movie song lyrics today.. and some links made me halt upto ur blog!

Ur blog has consumed my 3 official hrs. but i feel it worthy. ur words and thoughts are equally good. i really got astonished when i saw ur profile. let me tell u the reason, after a while..

first of all.. the question karthik asked you is interesting. the way u answered it, is more interesting. i swear, if anyone ask me the same question, i'd answered ditto the same as u did.

for very sure, 'software coding' wouldn't have flashed in my mind too..

I too have scribbled something in my blog.. but i feel that i have wasted time and effort in filling something very childish in my blogsite..

If i could steal some time from my daily routine, i'll surely write something interesting and then will request you to have a look at it..

about profile!

I'm 25, male, Sagi, softwareEngineer, chennai,tamilnadu..

i wasn't wondering at our matching profile. but.. but..

In my office internet, the images are blocked. so i couldn't see ur photo in ur home page.I clicked on 'View my complete profile', when i pointed my mouse pointer on the frame below 'photo', i saw 'NemoTurtle copy.jpg'.. which means u have posted the 'Finding nemo' poster over here.. how nice!
It touched me.
'Finding nemo' is my evertime favorite movie.

I wondered, how people can be so unique.

I wish u to reply for this.

Insha Allah!