Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, May 22, 2020


"With great power comes great responsibility" ...this is a close-to-heart phrase for me. Power or the lack of it largely steers the course of our lives and the lives of the people around us.

The space I find power profoundly impacting is parenting, and yesterday was such a day I felt power-less and lost for words. The kids have been coping up well , atleast, that is what I thought. That was until my 10 year old girl was bawling her eyes out about how she is tired of staying indoors,  missing school, missing friends, missing her playground, her lunch-time at the cafeteria and missing the run to the school-bus.It was an anxiety attack, she was gasping for breath,  and all I did was stayed calm and held her close. It was a long while after which she gained composure. I still know she is murky in her heart. It pains to see their childhood being ripped away by the complexities filling their lives. I am trying  hard to make things better for them , without getting too easy on them.

These are challenging times and moments like these reveal the beauty of the human, in the same space, thrives vulnerability and strength. I think they are two sides of beautifully embroidered human fabric, one side beautiful and another knotty, both one does not exist without the  other.

Meaningful connections are what will help us tide these rough waves. If you are reading this, you probably are my friend. May be we talk now, may be we dont. Please know that I have not fallen out of our friendship. I am sure we had way more good times that we can ponder on and I am more than happy to chat up on our good ol' times, craziness, bickerings.If you need help, someone to reach out to...I am here.

I may have missed saying this to you in person, I never closed the door when you left. 

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